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How to find an event you participated in?

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Please try to search for the event you have been participated in first. The majority of activities are already in our database.

The best is to search by:

  • dates (start and end),
  • country and city
  • part of a title of an event.

Please check the title of your event on the certificate – in most cases, this is the title existing in our database.

Please check names of societies, e.g.:

  • it is European Society for Paediatric Urology and not European Society for Pediatric Urology;
  • it is Journal of Pediatric Urology and not Journal of Paediatric Urology.

Please note that the order numbering in English is 5th and not 5 th or 5’th.

Fill in as much as possible of the search options to filter down the search results.
However, sometimes less is better. Selecting the range of dates and country or only city and country is often enough.

Check the search results and click on the SELECT button next to your event.

Only when you are not able to find your event – click on ADD NEW EVENT button. How to add a new event? Check the next hint.

MyCME Searching existing event