Whay should I collect CME/CPD credits?

The necessity for CME/CPD Keeping up-to-date with the latest achievements in the diagnosis and treatment of one’s specialty is a physician’s professional obligation. In certain countries, it has already become a legal obligation today.

What is the difference between CPD and CME?

The purpose of CPD and CME is to keep physicians current in their medical practice as part of a life learning commitment to their patients and society. The CPD/CME embraces the necessary elements of ‘Good Medical Practice’, such as knowledge, skills and performance,...

What is CME (Continuing Medical Education)?

CME activities are almost always geared towards practicing physicians and are designed to provide information that is both relevant and essential to medical practice. To achieve these aims, successful CME programmes are based on effective educational principles that...

What do I need to register an activity?

During the registration process, you will be asked to upload a documental proof. Therefore, before you start registering your activity, please make sure you scanned or took a picture of your documental proof! TIPS: Make sure there is sufficient light (no flash); Place...