European Urology Journal April MCQs
European Urology Journal - April 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading articles in urological journals confirmed by a test is accredited within the EU-ACME programme with 1 credit. To obtain the credit you are required to complete the test with a...
Credit Registry Report 2020 in your mailbox!
Credit Registry Report 2020 in your mailbox! The yearly Credit Registry Report 2020 was sent to all EU-ACME members who have attended and registered activities in 2020. The report states activities accredited within the EU-ACME programme, as well as the activities...
European Urology Journal March MCQs
European Urology Journal - March 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading the article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD credit...
European Urology Journal February MCQs
European Urology Journal - February 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading the article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD...
European Urology Journal January MCQs
European Urology Journal - January 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading the article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD credit...
Credit Registry Report 2020 – check your registered activities!
Credit Registry Report 2020 - check your registered credits! More than 17,000 urologists from Europe and beyond have already joined the EU-ACME programme. However, only 39% have collected CME/CPD credit points last year. The Credi Registry Report states accredited...
European Urology Journal December MCQs
European Urology Journal - December 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD credit...
Check Journal of European CME (JECME) for the Special Collection in Outcomes in CME-CPD
Check Journal of European CME (JECME) for the Special Collection in Outcomes in CME-CPD Journal of European CME (JECME), the PubMed-indexed Open Access journal, is now publishing the had a successful call for papers for the Special Collection in Outcomes in CME-CPD....
13th European CME Forum (#13ECF)
13th European CME Forum (#13ECF) 4-6 November 2020 – Virtual This year's agenda asks the questions that are on everyone’s lips, difficult questions, curious questions, or just your own question. We want to get to the what, where, when, who, what, and how of CME in...
European Urology Journal November MCQs
European Urology Journal - November 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD credit...
European Urology Journal October MCQs
European Urology Journal - October 2020 issue - available on-line with MCQs! Reading article in urological journals confirmed by a test (80% of the MCQs must be answered correctly) is accredited within the EU-ACME programme, following the EBU CME/CPD credit...
EU-ACME – MyCME Knowlege Base
EU-ACME - MyCME Knowlege Base! To help our members and providers around MyCME we set up the Knowlege Base. The Knowlege Base consists of short manuals, how to's, documents, explanations on the CME/CPD system. You may easily search for topics you have issues with. Do...